Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's been some time since I've last written, unfortunately.  This is all due to a virus called "The Worm" that has debilitated our network at school.  I actually still don't have internet at work or at home; I'm writing this from someone else's home. 

There are the good sides to not having internet—mainly productivity while I'm at my desk at school. But then you can't keep up with people and send pictures, which is not very convenient when you're on a mission and would like to keep your supporters updated. (Sigh). Oh well, it's all in God's hands. But if this problem continues it looks like I'll be writing quite a few letters. 

Things are going well after 24 days here. I would say that I'm feeling comfortable here, but I don't think I've yet been uncomfortable. I guess it's due to my itinerant nature: move to a city, stay there for a year (or three like in NYC), then leave.  I haven't really given much thought to why I like to do that (I do enjoy it).  I'm here in Addis because God wants me to do His work. But there is a "selfish" motive of wanting to encounter and understand different cultures. That probably also explains my desire to learn Amharic (the language here) and get to know as many natives as possible.

Anyway, life is good. I'm very happy with my job. From a professional standpoint, I've never been happier. I'm doing what I've wanted to do for years now: teach French to people who don't know it. 

Classes are going very well. I get along very well with my students, seventh and eighth grades. I'm really amazed at how more mature the eighth graders are. The seventh graders giggle at everything: my hand-drawn maps of Africa, the door slamming shut on its own, someone knocking over a book, saying "Ouagadougou" etc.—pure comedy to them. But it's fun. I'm learning.  I also help teach 9th and 10th grades—they're great. Never any discipline issues.

I'm hoping to initiate a high school fellowship group, at a different person's house, or even here.  But I've yet to talk about that with teachers here and the few parents I already know. The logistics might be too complicated, as kids don't have cars here and I don't think parents usually drive their children around town all night. We'll see; perhaps you could keep that in your prayers?

I'm also going to start co-leading a Bible Study group with the teachers at Bingham.  I'm excited.  It's been over a month since I've been in a group, and I'm missing it. I can't say enough about fellowship groups: great way to grow closer to the Lord. 

Otherwise I have two ministry updates. I've been asked to start working with a Christian non-profit called "Hearts". Some of the teachers here volunteer there and brought me to one of their info gatherings. Hear is an organization works with street kids—groups of kids, sometimes orphans, without homes. There are a couple of teachers here who go out on Wednesday nights to a particular neighborhood to talk with boys, start friendships and evangelize. I was speaking with one of the organizers of the organization last night and he said he'd be very happy to have me come. He also would like me to start teaching English to the kids at a new center they've created. I think they both sound like amazing opportunities to let them know about the Gospel and God's love for us. But this is all on the drawing board—nothing permanent.

God Bless

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