Sunday, January 25, 2009

Language (From Jan. 10)

I'm just now beginning language classes. The language is called Amharic (Am-har-ic). The script is really interesting, (type "Amharic" in Google) like nothing I had ever seen. It's a Semitic language, like Arabic and Hebrew, which among other things, basically means it's difficult to learn. But you can only go so long without knowing anything, unable to do much in English (although younger people always surprise me with their English).  So I'm taking free lessons at our school. It's been so long since I've learned French I don't remember the early frustration. I guess now I'll have much more empathy for my students. Good for them. But the key to quicker language acquisition is immersion, so I need to go out more often and speak to the neighborhood boys who approach me each time I leave campus.

When I do go around the city and use the little Amharic I know, it's not like in France. People here are amazed that I can say even the most simple sentences, like "I'm a teacher." Right away their faces light up and they tell me I'm brilliant, "Gobez!". I humbly say thank you.  Nope, that wasn't the case in Paris.

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